financial district

How Does the Stock Exchange Work? A Guide For Dummies

What is the stock exchange? What are stocks? We hear about it all the time in the news – this invisible market place selling a product that you can’t see or touch, but that can have a drastic effect on the economy and your day-to-day life. It can make people rich and it can cripple companies. Yet despite its power and prominence, most average people … Continue reading How Does the Stock Exchange Work? A Guide For Dummies

rally car

Watch a rally driver jump 50 metres in a Ford Fiesta

Norwegian driver Mads Østberg pulled off the feat on the Ouninpohja stage of the recent Rally Finland, after negotiating a right-hand bend and absolutely flooring it over the infamous blind “Yellow House” jump. The reward for his commitment was a glorious 50 metre journey through the air, to the delight and amazement of on-looking fans. To put that in perspective – 50m is 12 times … Continue reading Watch a rally driver jump 50 metres in a Ford Fiesta