office building

Gutter care for your office building

Basic reasons behind keeping your guttering in optimum condition. Introduction When considering the maintenance of our offices and commercial properties, the chances are that guttering and the associated piping is well down on the list of priorities; always assuming they’re considered at all. The problem for the humble gutter is that it is largely a case of “out of sight, out of mind” and since … Continue reading Gutter care for your office building


Remodeling Dangers: The Hidden Asbestos Risk Inside Your Walls

Living in an older home may mean that a mortgage is closer to being paid off than ever before. The family has extra funds to renovate the house so that it’s brought into the 21st century. However, complications arise when it comes to renovating an older home. Asbestos can be a hidden danger within the structure’s walls. Learn how this material impacts the entire household … Continue reading Remodeling Dangers: The Hidden Asbestos Risk Inside Your Walls