sales funnel

Technology Required for Building a Sales Funnel

Now that you have generated the much-coveted attention for your brand, you need to figure out how you can use that attention to make sales happen. It is not an easy task to achieve but your effort to make your brand successful will need a few more steps to be taken. Sales funnel directing your customers to complete a sales process successfully. In order to achieve that you need to have a sales strategy. A few software that you should consider taking help from are the following

  • Software to help you build the funnel
  • Marketing software for email
  • Countdown Timer
  • Webinar
  • Payment gateways

Once you have all your software in place, get busy in taking the following steps:

Landing page – Using software such as Leadpages or Unbounce you can create great landing pages. Design your landing page carefully. Select the message you want to display. Here you are making the first impression and it always counts. Match headlines with ads on the landing page. Be as persuasive as you can on your landing page. Offer free services. Promote trials. Display your product. A video may come in handy. Capture leads and offers the relevant and concise description of your product. Images work very well in matters of conversion. Take help of opt-in forms. It lets your followers get subscribed to your content. You can interest them in a free service such as a course and if you can add value to the course, you will see more success. Never underestimate the psychological sway that an opt-in form holds!

Live chat – What can be better for your customers who have gotten curious about your products than live chat. They get answers to there questions instantly. Make the service well-resourced. Engage with them and show how your products are better and how they can serve the purpose of your potential customers. Keep the conversation going and successfully lead them to complete the purchase.

CRM – There is nothing like good CRM. It constantly helps you stay connected with your customers. integrate your CRM solutions widely. Make it most effective by practicing knowledge sharing. Make collaboration with live chats. A good CRM tool holds tremendous possibility. It can effectively help customer interaction and thus support your leads effectively and also help your business function better.

Promote content – Blogs are a great way to reach your customers most effectively. Start a conversation through the comment section. Make sure a lot of posts that come from you are useful and relevant content. Refrain from pushing too much promotion for your brand. Narrate success stories, it immediately creates a good feeling among customers and helps you earn their trust. Repost your ads but do it after careful consideration of your audiences. Use cookies to do a straining to find out who should be your target. Use email in conjunction with automation. Though it is much expensive it helps create good engagement by sharing your most impressive areas.

Social media – The all-pervasive and ever engulfing social media is the best marketing platform ever. Do not forget to cash in your presence on the different channels of social media. You can use each social media handle differently but a merger and a coordinated approach are very much welcomed and get the best reception. After doing a quick SWOT analysis, get working on your strengths and put in the effort to address your demerits.

Payment gateway – You obviously need to set up a payment gateway to complete the sales process. Make sure the payment gateway is simple and easy to accomplish. PayPal and Stripe are two of the most popular choices. They lead the way for being easy to set up as well as easy to use. PayPal also offers important choices.

Evaluation – Get your assessment of your pages right. Track how your sales funnel is working. Take note of your strength and weakness. Setting up goals is also a good idea to track your performance. Google analytics does very well for such tracking. Streamline your traffic and set targets judiciously.

Broadly speaking your goal behind setting up a sales funnel are as follows

Entice – You aim to attract your customers and get them drawn to your site to sell products. Try to attract as much traffic as you can as you will surely lose some of the attention in the way.

Engage – Right after you catch the attention, your aim should be to hold on to it. The best way to do it is by creating interest in your products. So, engage your customers.

Sell – After some time of engagement you can expect to make a sell. Do not delay or keep the process complicated. Make the sale prompt.

Support – Once the sales are complete your job is not done. Make sure you offer the right kind of follow-up as well. It will create a good buzz about your business and be extremely helpful for the health of your business.

Sales funnel comprises of the buyers’ journey. Take note of each step with utmost consideration. Carefully design the journey for a fruitful and enjoyable experience. Technology is available in abundance to help you create an awesome sales experience for your buyers. Set goals and put in the right amount of effort to watch your business prosper.

